Java 8 brought big changes to Java, making it easier, faster, and more powerful for developers to write code. It introduced new features like lambda expressions, the Streams API, and a modern Date and Time API that allow us to write cleaner and more efficient code. These features help solve common programming problems with less code and improve the overall performance and readability of Java applications.
In this guide, we’ll walk through the 20 most important features introduced in Java 8. Each feature comes with simple explanations and examples, making it easy to see how they work and why they’re useful. Whether you’re new to Java or have some experience, these features will open up new ways for you to write better code. Let’s dive in and explore what Java 8 has to offer.
- Java Development Kit 8 (JDK 8) Early Access
- IntelliJ IDEA or Any other IDE
Advantages and Disadvantages of Java 8
Java 8, released in 2014, introduced powerful new features that made the language more expressive and efficient. However, like any major update, it comes with its pros and cons. Let’s take a quick look at the advantages and disadvantages of Java 8.
Advantages of Java 8
- Functional Programming Support
- Java 8 brought lambdas and the Stream API, allowing developers to write cleaner, more concise, and functional-style code. This made working with collections and data easier and more declarative.
- Improved Performance
- With features like parallel processing in streams, Java 8 made it easier to take advantage of multi-core processors, improving performance, especially for large datasets.
- New Date/Time API
- The new java.time package replaced the old Date and Calendar classes, offering a more intuitive and thread-safe way to handle dates and times.
- Backward Compatibility
- Java 8 was designed to be backward-compatible, ensuring that developers could use the new features without breaking existing code.
- Default Methods in Interfaces:
- Java 8 allowed default methods in interfaces, making it easier to extend interfaces without affecting existing implementations.
- Optional Class
- The Optional class helps reduce the chances of NullPointerException by providing a safer way to handle null values.
Disadvantages of Java 8
- Learning Curve
- Functional programming concepts like lambdas and streams can be challenging for developers who are used to traditional object-oriented programming.
- Performance Overhead
- Misusing streams or lambdas can lead to performance overhead, especially if not handled carefully.
- Increased Complexity
- While powerful, the Stream API can add complexity to simple tasks, making code harder to understand for those unfamiliar with functional programming.
- Backward Compatibility Issues
- Migrating older systems to Java 8 can sometimes introduce compatibility issues, especially with deprecated or legacy features.
- Higher Memory Consumption
- Functional programming features like streams can lead to increased memory consumption, especially when processing large amounts of data.
- Slower Debugging
- Debugging functional-style code can be more challenging than traditional code, making it harder to pinpoint errors.
Java 8 Features : A Comprehensive Guide with Examples
Java 8 introduced a wide array of features that significantly improved the language’s capabilities, focusing on functional programming, concurrency, and new APIs. In this blog, we will explore these features with examples and their outputs.
1. Lambda Expressions
A lambda expression is essentially a block of code that can be passed around as a parameter to a method or returned from a method. It allows you to implement methods of functional interfaces in a more concise and readable manner.
Syntax :
(parameter1, parameter2, ...) -> expression or block of code
Parameter List : Comma-separated list of parameters (optional, depending on the method’s signature).
Arrow Token (->) : Separates the parameters from the body.
Expression or Code Block : The actual logic, which could be a single expression or a block of code.
public class LambdaExpression {
public static void main(String[] args){
MathOperation add = (a, b) -> a + b;
System.out.println("Sum: " + add.operate(5, 3));
interface MathOperation {
int operate(int a, int b);
Sum: 8
2. Functional Interfaces
A Functional Interface in Java is an interface that contains exactly one abstract method. These interfaces can have any number of default or static methods, but they must contain only one abstract method. Functional interfaces are the foundation of lambda expressions in Java, making it possible to pass behavior as arguments to methods or return them from methods.
The Functional interface, marked with @FunctionalInterface, contains a single abstract method add for addition, ensuring it’s compatible with lambda expressions.
interface Functional {
// Abstract method to perform addition
int add(int a, int b);
In FunctionalInterfaceExample, a lambda expression implements the add method, enabling a simple addition of two integers, which is then printed.
public class FunctionalInterfaceExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Lambda expression to implement the add method
Functional addFunction = (a, b) -> a + b;
// Calling the add method via the lambda
System.out.println("Sum: " + addFunction.add(10, 20));
Sum: 30
3. Streams API
The Streams API in Java 8 offers a new way to process data in collections (like lists and sets) with simple, readable code. Instead of using loops to process each item one by one, the Streams API lets you describe what you want to do with the data, making code more concise and easier to understand.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class StreamApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
// Using Streams to find even numbers, double them, and print
.filter(n -> n % 2 == 0)
.map(n -> n * 2)
- Stream Creation : .stream() creates a stream from the list numbers.
- Filter Operation : .filter(n -> n % 2 == 0) keeps only the even numbers.
- Map Operation : .map(n -> n * 2) doubles each even number.
- For Each Operation : .forEach(System.out::println) prints each result.
Short-Circuiting Operations in Streams
Short-circuiting operations allow streams to stop processing as soon as a condition is met, making the pipeline more efficient. Some key short-circuiting operations are:
- findFirst() : Returns the first element in the stream that matches a given condition.
- limit(n) : Restricts the stream to a maximum of n elements.
- anyMatch(), allMatch(), noneMatch() : Evaluates conditions on elements, stopping the process once the result is known.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class StreamApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
.filter(n -> n % 2 == 0)
.forEach(System.out::println); // Prints the first 3 even numbers
This approach quickly finds the first three even numbers, then stops, making it more efficient for large datasets.
Terminal Operations in Streams
Terminal operations are used to produce a final result or a side effect, triggering the pipeline’s processing. Once a terminal operation is applied, the stream is considered consumed and can no longer be used. Some key terminal operations include:
- forEach() : Performs an action for each element, like printing.
- collect() : Gather the elements into a collection or another type.
- reduce() : Combines elements into a single result, such as summing values.
- count() : Returns the total number of elements in the stream.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class StreamCollectExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
// Collect even numbers into a new list
List evenNumbers =
.filter(n -> n % 2 == 0)
System.out.println(evenNumbers); // Output: [2, 4]
4. Method References
Method references in Java 8 provide a shorthand way to refer to methods of existing classes or instances. They make code more concise and readable, especially when working with the Streams API and lambda expressions.
Types of Method References
- Static Methods : Refers to a static method of a class.
- Example : ClassName::staticMethod
- Instance Methods of a Specific Object : Refers to an instance method of a particular object.
- Example : instance::instanceMethod
- Instance Methods of Arbitrary Objects : Refers to an instance method of any object of a particular type (usually within collections).
- Example : ClassName::instanceMethod
- Constructor References : Refers to a class constructor.
- Example: ClassName::new
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class MethodReferenceExample {
public static void main(String[] args){
// Using method reference to print each element of a list
List names = Arrays.asList("Apple", "Banana", "Chery");
5. Default Methods in Interfaces
In Java 8, default methods allow interfaces to have method implementations. Prior to Java 8, interfaces could only contain abstract methods (methods without a body). Default methods provide a way to add new methods to interfaces without breaking existing implementations.This feature was introduced to support the evolution of APIs. With default methods, developers can add functionality to interfaces without requiring all implementing classes to provide their own implementations for these methods.
interface MyInterface {
default void myDefaultMethod() {
System.out.println("This is a default method.");
public class DefaultMethodExample implements Calculator{
public int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Calculator calculator = new DefaultMethodExample();
System.out.println("Sum: " + calculator.add(10, 20)); System.out.println("Product: " + calculator.multiply(10, 20));
interface Calculator {
// Abstract method
int add(int a, int b);
// Default method
default int multiply(int a, int b) {
return a * b;
Sum: 30
Product: 200
6. Optional Class
The Optional class in Java 8 helps handle null values more safely. Instead of directly using null, Optional acts as a container that may or may not hold a value, making it easier to manage missing values and avoid NullPointerException.
Commonly Used Methods
- of(T value) : Creates an Optional with a non-null value.
- ofNullable(T value) : Creates an Optional that may contain a value or may be empty (null).
- isPresent() : Checks if a value is present.
- ifPresent(Consumer<? super T> action) : If a value is present, it executes the provided action.
- orElse(T other) : Returns the value if present, otherwise returns the specified default value.
- map(Function<? super T,? extends U> mapper): Transforms the value if present, otherwise returns an empty Optional.
import java.util.Optional;
public class OptionalClassExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String name = "Jay";
// Using Optional.ofNullable to avoid NullPointerException
Optional optionalName = Optional.ofNullable(name);
// Using ifPresent to perform an action if the value is present
optionalName.ifPresent(n -> System.out.println("Hello, " + n));
// Using orElse to provide a default value if the value is absent
String greeting = optionalName.orElse("Guest");
System.out.println("Greeting: " + greeting);
// Handling null with Optional.empty()
Optional emptyName = Optional.empty();
String emptyGreeting = emptyName.orElse("Guest");
System.out.println("Empty Greeting: " + emptyGreeting);
Hello, Jay
Greeting: Jay
Empty Greeting: Guest
7. New Date and Time API (java.time)
Before Java 8, working with dates and times in Java was cumbersome, relying on Date, Calendar, and other outdated classes. In Java 8, the new Date and Time API (java.time package) was introduced to simplify and improve date and time handling, making it more intuitive and less error-prone.
Important Classes
- LocalDate : Represents a date without a time (e.g., 2024-11-12).
- LocalTime : Represents a time without a date (e.g., 10:15:30).
- LocalDateTime : Combines both date and time (e.g., 2024-11-12T10:15:30).
- ZonedDateTime : Represents date and time with time zone information.
- Duration : Represents the amount of time between two temporal objects.
- Period : Represents a period of time in terms of years, months, and days.
import java.time.*;
public class DateTimeExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Current date, time, and date-time
LocalDate date =;
LocalTime time =;
LocalDateTime dateTime =;
System.out.println("Current Date: " + date);
System.out.println("Current Time: " + time);
System.out.println("Current Date and Time: " + dateTime);
// Current date and time with time zone
ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime ="America/New_York"));
System.out.println("Current Date and Time in New York: " + zonedDateTime);
Current Date: 2024-11-14
Current Time: 10:18:23.902502400
Current Date and Time: 2024-11-14T10:18:23.902502400
Current Date and Time in New York: 2024-11-13T23:48:23.920504300-05:00[America/New_York]
8. Nashorn JavaScript Engine
Java 8 introduced the Nashorn JavaScript Engine to replace the older Rhino engine. Nashorn allows Java applications to run JavaScript code directly on the JVM, making it faster and more compatible with modern JavaScript standards (ECMAScript). With Nashorn, developers can easily mix Java and JavaScript code, allowing Java applications to use JavaScript for tasks like scripting or configuration.
Java 8 introduced the Nashorn JavaScript Engine, enabling Java applications to run JavaScript within the JVM. In Java 21, Nashorn is no longer included by default, but we can add it as an external dependency in Maven.
Step 1 : Project Setup with Maven
Step 2 : Java Code to Execute JavaScript
package com.example.productService;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
public class NashornExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("nashorn");
try {
// Evaluating JavaScript code
engine.eval("print('Hello from JavaScript!');");
// Interacting with Java objects in JavaScript
engine.eval("var x = 10; var y = 20; var result = x + y;");
Object result = engine.get("result");
System.out.println("Result from JavaScript: " + result);
} catch (ScriptException e) {
Hello from JavaScript!
Result from JavaScript: 30.0
9. Collectors Class
The Collectors class in Java 8 provides utility methods that support common operations on Java Streams, like aggregating, transforming, and filtering data collections in a flexible way. Using Collectors, developers can convert streams into lists, sets, maps, or other collections with ease, making it an essential part of stream processing.
Key Methods in Collectors
- toList() : Collects elements from a stream into a List.
List names = Stream.of("Apple", "Ball", "Cat")
System.out.println(names); // Output: [Apple, Ball, Cat]
- toSet() : Collects elements into a Set (duplicates removed).
Set numbers = Stream.of(1, 2, 2, 3)
System.out.println(numbers); // Output: [1, 2, 3]
- toMap() : Collects elements into a Map, specifying keys and values.
Map map = Stream.of("a", "bb", "ccc")
str -> str));
System.out.println(map); // Output: {1=a, 2=bb, 3=ccc}
- joining() : Joins elements into a single String.
String result = Stream.of("Java", "is", "fun")
.collect(Collectors.joining(" "));
System.out.println(result); // Output: Java is fun
- groupingBy() : Groups elements by a classification function.
Map> groupedByLength = Stream.of("one", "two", "three")
System.out.println(groupedByLength); // Output: {3=[one, two], 5=[three]}
- partitioningBy() : Partitions elements based on a predicate.
Map> partitioned = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
.collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(num -> num % 2 == 0));
System.out.println(partitioned); // Output: {false=[1, 3, 5], true=[2, 4]}
10. Unsigned Integers
Unsigned integer arithmetic is the practice of performing calculations on integers without considering the sign (positive or negative) of the values. In unsigned arithmetic:- The values start from 0 and go up to a larger maximum value.
- There are no negative values; only positive values are allowed.
- This approach is especially useful when working with bit-level operations or interfacing with external systems, such as networking or file formats, that require unsigned values.
public class UnsignedExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a = -10; // Interpreted as a large unsigned value
int b = 3;
// Perform unsigned division and remainder
int unsignedDiv = Integer.divideUnsigned(a, b);
int unsignedMod = Integer.remainderUnsigned(a, b);
System.out.println("Unsigned Division: " + unsignedDiv);
System.out.println("Unsigned Remainder: " + unsignedMod);
Unsigned Division: 1431655762
Unsigned Remainder: 0
11. Improved Concurrency with CompletableFuture
Java 8 introduced CompletableFuture, a powerful tool for handling asynchronous programming. It simplifies working with concurrent tasks by providing methods to execute tasks asynchronously, chain operations, handle exceptions, and combine multiple futures. It’s an essential feature for improving performance and managing parallel tasks without blocking threads.
Key Features of CompletableFuture
- Asynchronous Execution with supplyAsync
CompletableFuture future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "Hello from CompletableFuture!");
- Chaining Tasks with thenApply
CompletableFuture future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "Hello")
.thenApply(result -> result + " World!");
future.thenAccept(System.out::println); // Output: Hello World!
- Handling Exceptions with exceptionally
CompletableFuture future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
if (true) throw new RuntimeException("Error!");
return "Success";
}).exceptionally(ex -> "Failed: " + ex.getMessage());
future.thenAccept(System.out::println); // Output: Failed: Error!
- Combining Futures with thenCombine
CompletableFuture future1 = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> 10);
CompletableFuture future2 = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> 20);
CompletableFuture result = future1.thenCombine(future2, Integer::sum);
result.thenAccept(System.out::println); // Output: 30
- Waiting for Multiple Tasks with allOf
CompletableFuture combinedFuture = CompletableFuture.allOf(
CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> System.out.println("Task 1")),
CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> System.out.println("Task 2"))
combinedFuture.join(); // Waits for all tasks to complete
12. StringJoiner
Java 8 introduced the StringJoiner class, which provides a simple and efficient way to concatenate strings with a delimiter, a prefix, and a suffix. It helps in building strings by joining multiple elements with a specified separator, which can be useful for tasks like creating CSV files or generating formatted output.
Key Features of StringJoiner
- Delimiter : Allows you to specify a delimiter between the elements.
- Prefix and Suffix : You can add a prefix and suffix to the entire joined string.
- No Need for Manual Concatenation : It removes the need for manual string concatenation with loops or StringBuilder.
import java.util.StringJoiner;
public class StringJoinerExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Creating a StringJoiner with a delimiter, prefix, and suffix
StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(", ", "[", "]");
// Adding elements to the StringJoiner
// Output the joined string
System.out.println(joiner.toString()); // Output: [Apple, Banana, Cherry]
- Delimiter: “, ” (adds a comma and a space between the elements).
- Prefix: “[” (adds the opening bracket at the start).
- Suffix: “]” (adds the closing bracket at the end).
13. New Base64 Encoding and Decoding API
Java 8 introduced a new Base64 API in the java.util package, which makes it easier to encode and decode binary data. This API is useful for converting binary data into a textual form, especially when dealing with binary content in text-based formats like JSON or XML.Before Java 8, developers had to use external libraries or custom implementations for Base64 encoding and decoding. With the new API, Java provides built-in methods to perform these tasks, making it more convenient and efficient.
Key Features of the New Base64 API
- Encoding : Converts binary data into a Base64-encoded string.
- Decoding : Converts a Base64-encoded string back into its original binary form.
- Streams Support : Allows encoding and decoding of streams of data, making it easy to work with large files or byte arrays.
- URL and MIME Safe : Provides encoding schemes that are URL-safe or MIME-safe
- Base64 Encoding Example
import java.util.Base64;
public class Base64Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Example string to encode
String input = "Hello, Java 8 Base64 Encoding!";
// Encoding the string to Base64
String encodedString = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(input.getBytes());
// Output the encoded string
System.out.println("Encoded String: " + encodedString);
Encoded String: SGVsbG8sIEphdmEgOCBCYXNlNjQgRW5jb2Rpbmch
- Base64 Decoding Example
import java.util.Base64;
public class Base64Decode {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Example Base64 encoded string
String encodedString = "SGVsbG8sIEphdmEgOCBCYXNlNjQgRW5jb2Rpbmch";
// Decoding the Base64 string
byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedString);
String decodedString = new String(decodedBytes);
// Output the decoded string
System.out.println("Decoded String: " + decodedString);
Decoded String: Hello, Java 8 Base64 Encoding!
14. Parallel Sorting of Arrays
Java 8 introduced Arrays.parallelSort(), which speeds up array sorting by using multiple CPU cores. It splits the array into smaller parts, sorts them in parallel, and then merges them. This method is faster for large datasets compared to the traditional Arrays.sort(), which sorts sequentially.
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ParallelSortingExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] numbers = {12, 7, 45, 23, 89, 56, 2, 18, 33};
// Sorting the array in parallel
// Output the sorted array
System.out.println("Sorted Array: " + Arrays.toString(numbers));
Sorted Array: [2, 7, 12, 18, 23, 33, 45, 56, 89]
15. Enhanced Security
Java 8 introduced several features aimed at making applications more secure. These improvements focus on better protecting data, securing communication, and enhancing overall safety. Here’s a breakdown of the key security features in Java 8:
- Stronger Cryptographic Algorithms
Java 8 supports stronger cryptographic algorithms like SHA-2 for hashing and AES for encryption. These algorithms ensure that sensitive information, such as passwords and personal data, is stored and transmitted securely, making it harder for unauthorized users to access or tamper with it.
- TLS 1.2 Support
Java 8 added TLS 1.2, a more secure protocol for communication over the internet. It replaces older protocols like SSL and TLS 1.0, which are less secure. TLS 1.2 ensures safer data transfers, protecting sensitive information such as online transactions and user credentials.
- Improved KeyStore Management
Java 8 enhanced the KeyStore API, which helps store and manage cryptographic keys and certificates. This improvement allows developers to securely handle private keys and certificates, ensuring that these sensitive pieces of data are kept safe from unauthorized access.
- Java Security Manager Enhancements
In Java 8, the Java Security Manager was enhanced to better protect system resources. It prevents untrusted code from accessing sensitive parts of the system, ensuring that only authorized actions are performed. This helps protect your system from harmful or malicious code.
16. Type Annotations
In Java 8, type annotations allow you to apply annotations to types. This means you can annotate types in method parameters, return types, class declarations, and even in generics. This feature enhances your ability to enforce and document type-related constraints across your application.
Key Features of Type Annotations
- Annotation on Types
Type annotations can now be applied to variables, method return types, and even parameters. For instance, you can mark a type with @NonNull to indicate that it should never be null.
- Improved Framework Support
Type annotations provide better integration with frameworks that rely on reflection and dependency injection, such as Spring. They can help define more specific constraints and improve error handling at compile-time, reducing runtime issues.
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
// Defining a custom annotation
public @interface NonNull {}
public class TypeAnnotationExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
@NonNull String name = "John"; // @NonNull annotation applied to the type
In the above code, the @NonNull annotation is applied to the type String, ensuring that name can never be null.
17. New and Improved Annotations
Java 8 introduced several useful annotations that enhance code clarity, safety, and maintainability:
- @FunctionalInterface
Ensures that an interface has exactly one abstract method, marking it as a functional interface. It helps with lambda expression compatibility.
interface MyFunctionalInterface {
void execute();
- @Repeatable
Allows the same annotation to be applied multiple times to a class, method, or field, making code more flexible.
@interface Department { String value(); }
- @SafeVarargs
Applied to methods that use varargs with generics, suppressing warnings about unsafe usage.
public static void print(T... args) { /* Code */ }
- Improvements to @Override and @Deprecated
Java 8 enhanced these annotations by improving error detection and adding a forRemoval flag to @Deprecated to indicate whether an element is scheduled for removal.
18. StampedLock
Java 8 introduced StampedLock as a more flexible and performant alternative to traditional locking mechanisms like ReentrantLock. It is designed to provide a more fine-grained control over lock management, offering capabilities like optimistic locking, which allows better concurrency.
Key Features of StampedLock
- Optimistic Locking : It allows threads to perform read operations without acquiring a lock, assuming no other thread will write concurrently. This can improve performance in read-heavy applications.
- Read and Write Locks : StampedLock provides three types of locks:
- Read lock : Multiple threads can acquire a read lock simultaneously as long as no thread holds the write lock.
- Write lock : A thread can acquire a write lock only if no other threads hold either a read or write lock.
- Optimistic read lock : A thread can assume no write operations will happen while reading, and it only validates the assumption later. If any write lock was acquired during the reading phase, the thread must retry.
- Better Performance : StampedLock is designed for scenarios where reads are more frequent than writes. It helps improve concurrency by allowing more threads to read simultaneously.
import java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock;
public class StampedLockExample {
private final StampedLock lock = new StampedLock();
private int value = 0;
// Method to read the value with optimistic locking
public int read() {
long stamp = lock.tryOptimisticRead();
int currentValue = value;
if (!lock.validate(stamp)) { // Check if write lock was acquired during the read
stamp = lock.readLock(); // Reacquire read lock if necessary
try {
currentValue = value;
} finally {
return currentValue;
// Method to write the value
public void write(int newValue) {
long stamp = lock.writeLock();
try {
value = newValue;
} finally {
19. New java.util.function Package
Java 8 introduced the java.util.function package, which provides functional interfaces that make it easier to work with lambda expressions and functional programming. These interfaces represent functions, conditions, or actions that can be used with streams and other Java features.
Key Interfaces:
- Predicate<T> : Tests a condition and returns a boolean.
Predicate isEven = n -> n % 2 == 0;
- Function<T, R> : Takes an input and returns a result.
Function intToString = i -> "Number: " + i;
- Consumer<T> : Performs an action without returning anything.
Consumer printMessage = message -> System.out.println(message);
- Supplier<T> : Provides a result without any input.
Supplier randomValue = () -> Math.random();
- UnaryOperator<T> : Takes one argument and returns a result of the same type.
UnaryOperator doubleValue = n -> n * 2;
- BinaryOperator<T> : Takes two arguments of the same type and returns a result of the same type.
BinaryOperator sum = (a, b) -> a + b;
These interfaces simplify working with lambdas, making the code cleaner and more readable, especially when combined with the Streams API.
20. Compact Profiles
Compact Profiles were introduced in Java 8 to optimize the size of Java applications, especially for environments with limited resources, like embedded systems or mobile devices. By using Compact Profiles, developers can reduce the footprint of Java applications by removing unnecessary parts of the Java runtime.
Key Features of Compact Profiles
- Predefined Set of APIs : Java 8 introduced three types of compact profiles — compact1, compact2, and compact3 — each containing a subset of Java APIs. These profiles allow you to use Java with a smaller set of APIs, reducing memory and storage usage.
- Smaller Footprint : By selecting a smaller profile, you can trim down the Java runtime to only include the classes needed for your application. For example, Compact1 is the smallest profile, offering the most basic set of APIs.
- Optimized for Embedded Systems : Compact Profiles are especially useful in environments where reducing the size of the runtime is crucial. These profiles allow developers to run Java applications in devices with limited storage and memory.
This setup ensures that only the essential classes are included, reducing the size of the application.
- Reduces Java application size
- Improves performance in resource-constrained environments
- Makes Java more viable for small or embedded devices
Java 8 introduced several powerful features that significantly enhanced the language, making it more efficient, flexible, and developer-friendly. From lambda expressions and the Streams API that simplified functional programming, to improvements like default methods, Nashorn JavaScript engine, and new date/time API, these features improved both the performance and ease of coding.Additionally, security enhancements such as stronger cryptographic algorithms and TLS 1.2 support make Java 8 more secure for modern applications. The java.util.function package and Compact Profiles further enabled developers to write cleaner, more optimized code, and manage applications efficiently in resource-constrained environments.These features mark a major leap forward in the evolution of Java, providing the tools and flexibility needed for modern software development, ensuring that Java remains a top choice for building robust and scalable applications.